A “talking” book is invented in Shenzhen 
A “talking” book is invented in Shenzhen
    By Wu Jun from Xinhuanet.com

A new type of publication, the Multimedia Print Reader (MPR for short), has been invented in Shenzhen. The MPR technology enables traditional books to talk – readers can listen to a book if only they tap it with an MPR reading device. Yu Youxian, chairman of Publishers Association of China, said, the MPR technology enables a book to be read or listened to by readers, thus opening a barrier-free reading era. It will absolutely revolutionize the traditional publishing industry.

In the Product Launch Conference held on 10th April, MPR Tech, the inventor of the MPR technology, showcased the MPR books that applied the technology. There is no major difference in appearance between MPR books and traditionally printed books. The only difference is that there are MPR codes printed on the text and images of MPR books. Soon after tapping the text with a reading device similar to a USB flash drive in appearance, I heard the text was being read out loud. An engineer from the company said, MPR books are capable of reading out content in the book in multiple languages according to readers’ needs.

According to Li Zhengfang, chairman of the company, if only publishers print MPR codes on the content necessary to be read out loud and upload relevant audio files to the MPR Reading Club, readers can listen to printed books with an MPR reading device after they download audio files to the device.

Yu Youxian said, the MPR technology integrates the digital technology to printed publication and removes reading obstacles caused by languages. The printing of MPR publication can be finished in common printing conditions, without incurring additional cost. And members of Publishers Association of China are free to use MPR codes, MPR publishing software and MPR Reading Club.

Zhao Shiying from Jilin Provincial Institute of Education said, MPR technology has been used in some textbooks in Jilin province. And she believes, MPR technology is especially suitable for language teaching materials, dictionaries and children’s book.

Link: http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2008-04/11/content_7958643.htm 
