International Standard Link Identifier(ISLI) 

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ISLI, short for Information and documentation - International Standard Link Identifier (ISO 17316), is an identifier standard developed by ISO/TC46/SC9. ISLI is a universal identifier for links between entities in the field of information and documentation.

In the context of modern information technology, the application of resources in the field of information and documentation is increasingly getting diversified. Isolated content products can no longer satisfy the ever-increasing user demand.

Using a link identifier to build links between resources in the field of information and documentation provides a basis for a combined application of resources in the field, and supports collaborative creation of content and data interoperability between systems.

The openness of the ISLI system will boost the emergence of new applications in both multimedia and other fields, which increases the value of the linked-resources.

The link model of ISLI includes three elements: a source, a target, and the link between them.

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